Causes of Obesity

An individual may develop obesity gradually over time by making poor diet and lifestyle decisions. For example, people who regularly consume significant amounts of fast or processed foods may develop obesity overtime since such foods have high sugar and fat. Alcohol has a lot of calories, thus people who indulge in heavy alcohol consumption are often overweight. People who eat a lot and drink too many sugary drinks often develop obesity. People make poor diet and lifestyle choices for a number of reasons. Friends and relatives who eat a lot may influence a person to increase their food consumption. Factors such as depression and low self-esteem often contribute to obesity among people who eat to make themselves feel better. People acquire most of their habits from their environment, thus people who grow up in environments with an unhealthy eating culture are very likely to pick up these habits and develop obesity.

Inadequate physical activity is another significant factor related to obesity. A large number of people have jobs that involve sitting for long periods. They also use cars to move from one place to another, rather than cycling or walking. Many people also spend most of their free time watching TV, playing computer games or browsing or playing computer games and rarely do regular physical exercises. When you eat food, it generates energy for the body, and if you are not active enough, this energy is stored in the body as fat leading to obesity. Regular moderate aerobic activities such as fast walking and cycling can help reduce fat in your body and keep your body in shape—however, people who are obese need to do more regular physical exercise to lose weight.

In some situations, underlying medical conditions can lead to weight gain. For example, Someone experiencing hypothyroidism may develop obesity since their thyroid gland is underactive and not producing adequate hormones. Cushing’s syndrome may also lead to obesity through the excess production of steroid hormones. Drugs such as corticosteroids, antidepressants used to treat mental illness, and medicines for epilepsy and schizophrenia can lead to weight gain. Smoking habits can sometimes contribute to weight gain. Research also shows that chemical exposures can play a role in weight gain and energy balance.

An individual’s genetic makeup or inherited traits is an essential factor that contributes to obesity. Genes instruct the body about how to respond to changes in the environment. Obesity can occur in an individual when variants in multiple genes increase hunger and food consumption. Sometimes a specific variant of a single gene may lead to obesity. However, most of the time, obesity is caused by complex interactions among several genes and environmental factors. One of the genetic conditions that may result in obesity is the Prader-Willi syndrome, which affects the hypothalamus and leads to delayed growth and a never-ending appetite.

The best way to remedy obesity is by adopting a healthy lifestyle habit, such as having a proper diet and regularly doing physical exercise.

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